Project „Practising Traditional Astrologers“

Project for a new series for the channel – – with practising Traditional Astrologers (without the outer planets). – The aim is, to provide insights into the practise of delineation of Traditional Astrologers today, comparable to S. Belle’s notebooks – An Astrologer at Work in Late Medieval France: The Notebooks of S. Belle – – Instead of a notebook – the idea is a delination-video per episode by the Astrologer, where the chart is completely delineated according to the tradition used. – The amount of time might be in the neighbourhood of 180 minutes per video. – We are looking to find English-speaking partners for this project. –

Contact – Volker H. Schendel – Ministerialrat i.R.  – Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist – 30173 Hannover – Tel.:  0049 511 640 9 136 – 

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